Walking the rivers and lakes in addition to Mito you also need these self portrait

Walking the rivers and lakes, in addition to Mito, you also need these self portrait artifact

Everyone wants the camera when the expression is good.

But, in fact, a picture of beauty and ugliness, the key factors other than the face, mainly depends on the equipment … … So, if you want to have the perfect camera, loves surprising today introduced two new artifact, you can’t miss it. YSL iPhone 5 Case

1, fill light, hair dryer, self portrait

Thinkmodo to tinker with this Bluetooth camera, called the face value multiplier, or not? Directly with this paste on your face:


Simply put, the goods in the usual self-Rod based on the addition of two functions, one fan, to create hair fluttering romance, one is LED fill light, just save your yellow face on the computer every day. YSL iPhone 5 Case

YSL iPhone 5 Case


Distance of 2, can improve iPhone Flash night shots

IPhone Flash, of course, but this distance is very near, a little farther, you can become ghosts in the darkness … …

F.lens can solve this problem.


Similar to a condenser lens, attached to the iPhone’s Flash, its range can be extended by 10 times.


Good night, except take a girl’s face,


Can act as a powerful laser pointer with … …


Won’t live up to the hard to sell their kidneys in return for the iPhone–I’ll let you in on a summer job I just used goods, will earn back the mobiles money?

Is currently on the Kickstarter sale, interested please go: kickstarter.com

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