Alien new homes Enceladus confirmed the existence of the global ocean

Alien new homes! Enceladus confirmed the existence of the global ocean

  NASA Cassini Cassini mission analysis of the latest data show Enceladus (Enceladus) under ice, hides enormous seas. To what extent is it? The whole planet is! Moschino Galaxy S4 Case

  It was discovered in the solar system for the first time to the existence of life beyond Earth environment.

  Researchers found that Enceladus orbits Saturn rotate process, there is a slight shaking, and the only explanation is that it is not frozen in the ice on the surface of a solid shell, but floating in the ocean.

  This means that after the Cassini probe faults found in the water near Enceladus ‘ South Pole jet streams, ice, simple organic molecules, are from the vast seas.

  It has long been convinced that Ocean on Enceladus, but previously believed only regional, didn’t expect to be so ambitious.

  Cassini will be completed by October 28, the closest leap of Enceladus, only 49 km away from its surface, to study more details. Moschino S4

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Collection is the collection of 1542

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